Travel Lessons: Home Again

The trip westward across the Atlantic went a lot smoother than the eastward trip five weeks ago. I’ve learned to travel better. My new rolling luggage worked like a charm. And I’ve (almost) mastered the mantra: “Don’t just do something. Sit there!” Travel, I’ve learned, involves lots of waiting, which for me involves lots of recorded music, contemplation, and reading.  After exchanging my British coins for folding money, I left the hostel around 0600 London time and walked to the

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Leaving the Midlands

My final day in Worcester included a visit to the magnificent cathedral—where King John of Magna Carta fame is interred—and tea at Greyfriars before boarding the train for Paddington Station in London. Worcester Cathedral Massive church bells line the entryway to the cathedral, which dates to 640 CE, the time of the Normans. Monks trained here, King John is buried here, and the church played a role in the Civil War, with Charles I using a tower to observe the

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©2019 by Bill Clark. Disclaimer: This website is not an official U.S. Department of State website. The views and information presented here are the participant's own and do not represent the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program, the U.S. Department of State, or IREX.